Background of Pursuers Network
This Network was born out of a great move of God during the 2001 FIRE CONFERENCE at the Eden Revival Church, Wandegeya. During the Conference organized by the Youth Ministry, under the Chairmanship of Charles Kiyaga, God spoke clearly and warned against the spirit of COMPLACENCY or APATHY, as one of the greatest evils against revival in the Church.The spirit of complacency drains believers of the hunger, thirst and passion for God. Believers consequently lose “appetite” for spiritual things. Hunger and appetite are a pre requisite for Enjoyment of a good meal. Proverbs 27:7 reveals that to “the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet.”
The enemy Satan, employs all strategies to quench the hunger for more of God in the lives of believers. For the believer, God is to be enjoyed not endured, since “in Him we LIVE and MOVE and HAVE OUR BEING.” (ACTS 17:28). That means God is the very essence of our life, the air we breathe. Therefore, the Pursuers’ Network was born to steer that hunger and thirst for God among believers.
The Pursuers’ Network Home
In 2011, by God’s grace, the Pursuers’ Network moved into a temporary home in Mpererwe, Mugalu Zone. This was the Pursuers’ Home from 2011 till 2019 and all meetings including the annual conference were held there.
The Pursuers’ Network Home God moved the heart of the Chairman of this Network, Dr. Kiyaga and in 2019 he obediently gave for the cause of the pursuit of God over 50 acres of hilly land on LWERE hill in BUNZA VILLAGE, KALAMBA SUBCOUNTY, BUTAMBALA DISTRICT.
This hill henceforth becomes the permanent home for the Pursuers. Through Obadiah:17, God inspired us to give it the name; “ZION PURSUERS’ PRAYER MOUNTAIN” GOD’S DWELLING PLACE. It is on this ZION PURSUERS’ PRAYER MOUNTAIN, that all nations will come to seek God for personal intimacy.
To know God and make Him known in all our spheres of influence. Currently, the KING DAVID ARENA that sits hundreds already stands on the mountain. For these over 50 acres of virgin land, only God knows every single detail of what is to become a master piece, and a wonder in the land in our generation.
Our perception of Life
The Pursuers’ Network is an interdenominational Christian Organization, with a goal to mobilize and encourage believers to hunger, thirst, and seek for more of God, and put a demand on God’s manifest presence, so as to live a life that overwhelmingly and ultimately follows out to impact society, through the grace of God.
Life was meant to be lived in the manifest Presence of God. God is sought to be known. In knowing God, we discover our true selves and we then find true and eternal life, as Jesus put it in John 17:3. “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”. Eternal life is not lived after death.
This is the very life of the Father, the life he breathed into man in the garden of Eden. When man sinned, we lost that life, that God consciousness, and that manifest presence. It is the life of fellowship and communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit